
Across all classes, you will be presented with instruction in foundational and advanced techniques progressing from guided solo and partner drills to active adaptations and free-sparring with emphasis on proper footwork, mechanics, movement, control, and structure. Workshops will be scheduled throughout the year on a variety of topics. Join our Discord and follow our Instagram site for the latest announcements. Weapons are provided (if needed), and we will work with you when you are ready on recommendations to purchase your own weapons and sparring gear. |

Fencing, Conditioning, and Self Defense Classes
Taught by Tom Amoroso
La Sciabola (Sabre)
A single edged cutting and thrusting weapon with a curved blade and a one-handed grip, our sabre program leverages the works of Italian master Luigi Barbasetti and emphasizes the study and practice of the molinelli, which are types of circular cuts.
Wednesday Nights, 7:00-8:00pm
Spada a Dui Mani (Longsword)
A two-handed, double-edged weapon, our longsword program focuses on lessons from the Italian traditions – Fiore dei Liberi’s 15th century work Fior di Battaglia and Achille Marozzo’s 16th century work Opera Nova dell’Arte delle Armi.
Monday Nights, 6:00-7:00pm and 7:00-8:00pm
Spada Y Daga (Rapier & Dagger)
Our rapier program focuses on fighting with both the single-handed double edged-weapon by itself and with a parrying dagger in your off hand, leveraging the works of Italian masters Ridolfo Capo Ferro and Achille Marozzo.
Wednesday Nights, 6:00-7:00pm
Daggers & Defenses
The mechanics and application of armed and unarmed self-defense techniques – strikes, joint locks, throws, escapes – with and against a dagger, as illustrated in Achille Marozzo’s 1536 Opera Nova dell’Arte delle Armi.
Schedule to be posted on Schedulicity
Sword Yoga
A unique program created by Tom back in 2019, with sword in hand our sword yoga attendees will be guided through a series of poses and exercises designed to help increase flexibility and circulatory health and improve athletic performance.
Schedule to be posted on Schedulicity
Fencing and swordplay presented through an original and exciting fighting system, combining techniques from Japanese Kenjutsu and European Longsword using a competition-grade lightsaber.
Schedule TBD